Important Questions Answered

Yes, organizational charts only tell you who reports to who, but this does not reflect which teams are actually talking to each other to get work done. 

Finance might report to the CFO, but they might work together with Sales to structure a deal. The reporting structures differ, but their need to agree on how they work together doesn't.

By defining stakeholders and having your teams come together and agree on how they work together, increases your teams confidence and abilty.

Yes, no matter how advanced technology becomes, a business' heart and soul is not their HR department or Pizza parties, it is their people and trust in them. It is your teams that will have to agree with one another. It is the only way to build trust.

No, HR might enable talks and hold workshops, but teams outside of HR are usually the ones that create a product or deliver the service, and will need to be involved if you want to give your teams the best chance of success.

No, stakeholder agreements are agreements made between two parties on how they will interact with each other. Agreements by their nature needs both parties to trust each other.

Your organization can by mandate enforce agreements, and agreements can often overlap with the standard operating procedures that your organization already has.

Yes, you we have a network of process engineers and business analysts that can help you with analysing your organization and setting up workshops to hash out the agreements. 

Soon! We are busy integrating directly into Microsoft Teams to provide your teams access to their Stakeholders and Agreements right at their finger tips!

You will be billed by invoicing each month, or annually depending on your package, with 30 days to pay. We are currently working with integrating with a payment provider.

Still have questions? 

Get into contact with us, we are happy to help!