First Agree is stakeholder agreements made easy!

Agree on shared outcomes between teams or departments. Make your work life bounded, and happy!

Step 1. Load Stakeholders

Define all the stakeholders in your orgnization. Teams, Departments or individuals, all up to you.

Step 2. Talk to Stakeholders

The only way to agree, is to talk! Setup discussion with stakeholders and keep track of the agreements. Once both parties are happy, the agreement is done!

Step 3. Authentication and Boundaries

Teams and individuals now know who they need to interact with and how. Clarity gives authentication and strengthens the teams healthy boundaries!

Features that make your team more productive

First Agree lets you know how your business operates.


Capture all the stakeholders in your organization.


Manage agreements between stakeholders


See which stakeholders are the busiest, which managers are overwhelmed and which agreements need improvement


Teams know when, where and how they are responsible for contributing to the business. No more grey areas, just agreements!

Ready to revolutionize your work life?

Continue with mapping stakeholders and creating agreements between stakeholders to improve work performance. Give your team the efficiency they need!

Check out
our amazing plans

We are still in the BETA phase. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in rolling out First Agree for your organization.

Early Adopter - Front Runner

$8 p/month

  • Single Seat
  • Capture Stakeholders
  • Capture Agreements
  • Access to Discord Channel
  • 30 Day money back guarantee on your first month.
  • Search Agreements
  • View Insights Dashboard
  • Export Reports about Agreements and Stakeholders
  • Set pricing for the first 12 months.


Some important questions answered

No, stakeholder agreements are agreements made between two parties on how they will interact with each other. Agreements by their nature needs both parties to trust each other.

Your organization can by mandate enforce agreements, and agreements can often overlap with the standard operating procedures that your organization already has.

Yes, you we have a network of process engineers and business analysts that can help you with analysing your organization and setting up workshops to hash out the agreements. 

Soon! We are busy integrating directly into Microsoft Teams to provide your teams access to their Stakeholders and Agreements right at their finger tips!

Have more questions? See the full FAQ Here 

Not sure where to begin?

Get into contact with us, we are happy to help!